Yarn walkthrough

YARN stands for Yet Another Resource Negotiator. It was introduced in Hadoop version 2 to extend other data processing framework to not only Map Reduce such as Spark, Storm, etc.

Yarn help to manage Hadoop cluster with:

  • Higher cluster utilization: resources on free node will be consumed by another
  • Lower operation cost: all cluster will be managed on single hub as YARN
  • Reduce data motion: no need to move data between Hadoop YARN and system running on different cluster of computers

Resource Manager

  • RM is the master server and running difference services including Scheduler and Application Manager.
  • It knows the location of data nodes and how much resources they have.
  • Scheduler:
    • Allocate resources to various running applications
    • Constraints based on: capacity, queue, etc.
    • Not monitor or track status of application & not restart failed tasks
    • Policy Plugins: CapacityScheduler, FairScheduler, etc.
  • Application manager:
    • Maintain list of applications submitted, running or completed.
    • Accept job submission, negotiate first container for executing the application and restart application master on failure.
  • From Hadoop 2.4, RM is featured with Active/Standby Resource Manager pair to avoid single of failure (only one single master node)

Node Manager

  • Can be many in one cluster
  • Once started, it announce itself to RM and offer resources (RAM, vCores) to the cluster.
  • It periodically sends heart beat to RM
  • Each node take instructions from RM, reports and handles containers on a single node.
  • Once a container is leased to an application, the NM setup container’s environment including resource constraints in the lease and any dependencies.

Application Master

  • Framework-specific library
  • Negotiate resource for a single application that is a single job or directed acyclic graph of jobs.
  • Manage application life cycle and task scheduling
  • Provide status & metrics to RM
  • Not run as trusted service
  • Act as an instance for a single application or set of applications


  • Result of a successful resource allocation, that is RM has granted an application a lease to use specific resources on a specific node
  • Application master provide Container Launch Context (CLC) that includes following information:
    • Environment variables
    • Dependencies
    • Security token
    • Necessary commands to create the process for application to launch
  • Therefore, there can be many workload types can run on Hadoop Yarn cluster like MR, Tez, Hbase, Storm, Spark, etc.

How it works?

  1. Client submits job (via HUE [Spark, Hive script on Oozie workflow scheduler], Zeppelin or YARN CLI) to Resource Manager which will be then assigned to one node manager
  2. Application master requests resources to run the application
  3. RM assign resources which will initialize containers on available nodes
  4. Application master will run the application on assigned containers
  5. Application releases container once job done and finish the life cycle


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